My Story

Hi, I’m Raina: 

“Life & Business Coach, Vision Guide & Animal Lover”

I feel as if I’ve lived 100 different lives in the several decades I’ve been roaming this planet, you may feel the same way. 

I’ve maneuvered through bankruptcy, addiction, divorce, illness leading to an ileostomy, recovery, single parenting, traveling, relocating, dating, and more - collecting the tools, lessons, and experiences that have shaped me. 

I’m currently a single mom to two teenage girls, three dogs, and two horses navigating entrepreneurship & adulting while following what lights me up and brings me joy. 

For a decade, I identified as a health & fitness coach. 

My first pivot came as I fell out of love with teaching people what workouts to do and how to eat, the wellness world felt so toxic.

I wanted to do a deeper dive to understand thought processes, mindset and inconsistency. It didn't matter how many plans I gave out, people still struggled to stay consistent in the things that make them feel good - something I'd mastered over the years. 

It didn't matter if I was going through divorce, illness, or entrepreneurship ups & downs, I navigated life & business without veering from the routine I'd created.

The next pivot came as I started to get clients who felt like they were on a hamster wheel, living the same days over and over, not really sure on what they're working towards. 

I thought back, time-traveling during these sessions, realizing that vision was a big key to the consistency that I did have.
My vision was so clear it kept me in that forward motion. 

Because of this, in addition to helping people create a flow that feels good - I led with helping them create a vision for their life. 

Not super long term visions, but instead, this year.
What did they want to accomplish?
What did they want life to feel like?
How did they want their day to flow?
What kind of energy did they carry in that future vision?

I helped people get clear on that vision and then, helped them create those feelings now.

We created magic together. 

I began to reflect on my own life through this process, thinking about how I wanted to feel. 

I had just left a pretty toxic 4-year relationship and having been divorced once, I knew that I needed to really figure out what was pulling me to these relationships and deeper, what made me feel like I needed to stay. 

By journaling through this, I realized I had more to heal, more self-love to build, more joy to focus on. 

Joy and self-love look different for everyone, because of this, I started to get curious about my coaching. 

The next pivot came as I helped women uncover what each looked like in their own lives.
I'd be shocked, listening to women admit that they did nothing for their own joy, they didn't even know what that looked like

I'd walk them through visualizations and exercises to help them identify the things that brought them joy, things they'd never given themselves permission to explore, and we focused on beginning to incorporate those things, tiny steps. 

The next pivot  came as people shared visions and dreams of doing something for work that lit them up. Following our joy often leads to expansion within our vision.

We start to think - holy shit this is so fun, this lights me up, I want to do this every single day. 

I've always led with my joy. 

When I started in the wellness space, it lit me the fuck up.
When I started teaching people daily routines, I got so excited helping them find a flow that motivated them.
When I began diving into teaching vision, I felt so fulfilled daydreaming with women and thinking about the what-ifs that forced smiles on their faces. 

What brings me the most joy?
What makes me feel the most alive?

I sat reflecting over the last couple of years since I began pivoting away from the wellness industry. 


It came into my mind as if a voice was yelling it. 

Horses bring me joy. 

I'd been doing riding lessons and working with my trainer for over two years.
I had learned so much about the equine world and felt more alive than ever when I was at the ranch.
I owned two horses now, boarding at a private co-op ranch which meant that I was learning more about their care, their energy, and their world while getting deeper, hands on experience.

I'd arrive at my barn, greeting all of the mustangs with peaceful energy and loving excitement to spend a few hours with them. As I inhaled, I welcomed the smells of manure, hay, dirt and with every exhale, I could feel the stress, the worries, the ego-driven fears that I'd been carrying all day leave my body.


People comment saying I seem more zen, more calm, more at peace over the last couple of years and I want to stand on the fence while the horses run around me and scream:

THIS! This is why I'm so calm in the chaos! 

And this is where my next pivot was introduced. 

Instead of yelling at no one and scaring the horses, I decided to dip my toe into the world of equine-assisted coaching.

The Universe really had my back with this one. 

I'm not going to talk them into buying a horse or owning a ranch, I just believe that over the last couple of years, my horses have been a mirror for me. 

They've shown me where my gaps are.

They've shown me where my mind is or isn't.

They've shown me what needs to be cleared from my life. 

They've shown me where I've needed to be healed. 

They've stabilized me, reset me, and have given me the clarity to move forward with more confidence. 

That  is what I feel led to share with people. 

Whether through my One-on-One Coaching, transformative Retreats or my in-person Equine-Assisted Coaching Experiences, my goal is to hold the mirror in front of women that are needing to stand on their own two feet again.


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