

In the last decade, I have presented in front of audiences ranging from 5 to 40,000, sharing my story, inspiring women through my strategy for reinvention and stories of resilience.

Potential Topics:

  • REINVENTION: Through life’s obstacles, I’ve continued to reinvent my life, transitioning into a higher versions of myself. You are under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago.

  • VISION & ALIGNED ACTION: Action without vision will have you on a hamster wheel in life. Vision without action is just a dream. When you get clear on your vision and take aligned action towards it, life shifts.

  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Starting in the wellness space and transitioning into life coaching, I have built a $3.5M business using social media marketing. Entrepreneurship has been my anchor through many of life’s ups, downs, and twists.

Interested in a custom topic or theme?
I’d love to collaborate with you to create a presentation that aligns perfectly with your event's goals.